Monday, 25 July 2011

Wonderful Lazy Weekend, 23 & 24 July

Nadia's drawing - she wishes to have fringe that covers part of her eyes, 
long hair and a cat as a pet

Saturday night, 23 July. At Citamall for the very first time.
They were giving out free cotton candy and popcorns. Woo hoo!

Abang stuffing his face with hotdog at Wonder Milk.

Daddy and Adik cheering up on Vanilla and Caramel milk. Yummy.

Sunday afternoon, 24 July. Shooting target - like real!!

It was really good fun... can hear Mummy screaming from the side,
"Pick up all the pellets!!" 

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Twins Birthday

 The Low Sin Lok's Family (missing Auntie Yee Mah and Lee Shen)
@ Vegetarian Restaurant at Sea Park

Kaw foo and Adik

Abang (bored) and Daddy 

The Princesses from Sungai Long and Bandar Sunway

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Adik's Chess Competition at SMK Hillcrest

All ready for the competition. Mummy doesn't look too excited
about waking up at 7am on a Sunday. 

Her opponent looks like a pro. 
Every ready to knock Nadia out. 

The game went on very fast. She lasted one round!
Nadia gave a good fight though. 

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Nadia's Ballet Concert @ PJ Civic Hall

"Nadia, are you all ready for the concert tonight?"

Outside of Dewan Sivik, PJ

The pretty ballerinas

Tamborine girls

A snippet of the dance sequence.

The other shows

The show ended at around 9.30pm. 
Much appreciation to the ballet teachers and students.

Adik was so G double O D good.

So proud of you sweetheart!