Wednesday, 28 September 2011

After Party - Angry Birds Immortalized

Painting birds and the pigs (from the cake decor) with varnish 
so we can keep them forever!! Muah haha ha...

Nadia busy at work. This went on for a few days.

They are all now sitting on our display shelves. 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Nadia's 9th Birthday Angry Bird Party

Early in the morning, birthday girl looked pleased with the Angry Bird Cake.

We've prepared many games for the guests.
Nadia would lead and be the judge for all the games!

Supporters from our neighbourhood - Yumin and Seng Seng

Shoot the pigs - quite tough as participant needs to avoid shooting birds.
Myra aiming as hard as she could!

Daddy looking serious - trying out his shooting skill. Ok la...

Memory game - remember the position of the 9 cards. 

Knock down the pigs. 

Wah... the champion at work.

Count the pigs... the judge was too shy to show her face.

Abang, intensely counting the pigs

It was hard work for our 'judge' - had a lot of fun

The lucky 'winners'... what's auntie doing here? 

Mummy's princess!

Cake time!!

Family shot - abang!!! Ruined the picture with funny face (as usual)

Present time!

Birds and Pigs all in one plate... Yikes.

Nadia with favorite cousin - Merissa

Daddy busy helping to open the present. 

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Lantern Party & Post-UPSR Celebration

To kick-start the party preparation - hubby choosing 'ling kok'/black horns.
Traditionally served at Moon Cake festival together with baby yams.

Invited Abang's friend from Lick Hung; Aaron to join in the fun.

Hubby first attempt at roasting a full chicken. Before...

After 2.5 hours... well done!!! Super yummy!

House decor bf the rain...

 Old folks chit-chatting... Atok, Auntie Helen, Poh Poh.

Lantern party begins!

Daddy work of art!

First attempt on home-made satay - Sunway Special Satay

The girls set a 'world record' of longest row of candles!