Saturday, 21 April 2012

My 40+1 Birthday!

My birthday marks the 1st anniversary of this blog. 
Celebration started the day before with a beautiful bouquet of 
flowers from the office.

Followed by dinner with Yu Li and Chandra at Rumahku.
Catching up with old friends. Great company, delicious food and 
amazing cheese cake to top it all up!

First time ever,  I have a cake with fireworks! Nice.
Thanks Yu Li and WhoBakedtheCake.

On my birthday - we went out for dinner at BSC.

Fried chicken Japanese style so Abang won't miss his
staple 'ayam goreng'

 Adik was very proud of her '3-ice-cream' order that comes 
in a fancy 3 tier glass bowl. 

From Abang... which he later 'blow up' with dynamite

From Adik. She made the necklace herself... for Mother's Day on May 12


Sunday, 15 April 2012

Kung Kung's 71st birthday at Ah Koong's Restaurant

Looking very contented after a hearty meal.

Like father, like daughter - likes to finish off a meal with the toothpick. Sigh.

Cake cutting time.

In a very busy coffee shop / restaurant, we managed to  
sing 'Happy Birthday' to Kung Kung

Kung Kung with the grandchildren

That's us with Abang's face saying - Can we go home now? 

Happy Birthday Kung Kung! We wish you a long and healthy life!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Grade 4 Ballet Exam Day. Yikes!

Getting ready.... the ballet teacher, Ms Lim helped
all the girls to do up their buns; so they look the same.

Adik all ready to go... happy that she got a pink flower pin.

The group that goes in together for the exam.

The entire Grace 4 line-up 

All ready for the exam. Nervous.

It's over!!! Sigh of relief.