Sunday, 26 August 2012

Merdeka! Merdeka! Photo Contest

In celebration of Merdeka this year, we submitted this picture for the
 Merdeka! Merdeka! Photography Contest held by M&C Saatchi KL. 
These series of pictures were taken.

My true Malaysian (Malay, Chinese) Girl

                                        AND THE WINNER IS.....!!!

Our photo entitled 'Peace, Stability and Happiness'!! 1st Prize = RM2000 buckaroos! :)

It's now hung proudly on the 'wall of fame' of M&C Saatchi office.

This is the other Merdeka photo that we submitted.... shot by Adam. Nice!
He did a good job. 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Breakfast at Wondermilk, Cittamall. Just the girls.

Mini cupcakes as starter.

Adik has changed her usual order of vanilla milk to Mango Soda.

Yummy chicken and cheese baked potato.

Bunny eats the carrot!

Adik loves bake beans.

Looks like we are done. Almost...

Best part of the day was, when we asked to take away the remainder cupcakes,
the waiter added another few more foc! So nice of them.

The beneficiary - Daddy!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Adik's Grade 2 Piano Exam

Half-awake at 7.30am... having cereal for breakfast.

Brushed teeth and off we go.

At the Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam. 
Adik all nervous; worried that she won't do well.

At the waiting area... almost an hour. 

Still have time to look at the book one last time.

Adik's name finally called at about 9.36am. Nervous!!!
The examiner is Timothy Goulter. Adik kept checking his picture. 
He's old and big but looked kind.

After almost 30mins; it's done. She didn't feel that she did well. 
Oh well, it's done. Just glad that it's over!  

Ratatouille for Dinner

We miss making Ratatouille... decided to do it for dinner. 

Adik; hard at work. Insisting to do it her way.

Ready to go into the oven.

All done.

She even managed to coax Abang into having it for dinner. 

After dinner, both had fun singing online 'karaoke'. 
Achievements were either; 'Amateur' or 'Tone-Deaf' :)

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

3rd Day Raya - Sunway Beanieplex with 'Wimpy Kids'

First time at Beanieplex - quite fun. To watch 'Diary of Wimpy Kid - Dogs Day'.
Giant bean bag forms the seat. Tickets sold in couple. No single tickets.

The 'Wimpy Kids' of PJS - Seng and Wilson. 
Feasted on 2 cups of carbonated drinks and premium caramel popcorns.

The less 'wimpy kid' :) and mom to fill up the odd seat. 

Quite amazing... Adik upset that we did not invite her. 
She was with cousins Merissa and Myra - had her first sleep over at their house.

Monday, 20 August 2012

2nd Day Raya - Badminton and Dinner at Mark's

Started the day at Mid V for lunch with the Lai's family. 
Followed by badminton at Mark's condo.

Kids really enjoyed themselves; especially with good players like Rachel and Darren.

Adik and I had a swim and then off to dinner at Milwaukee's

Adik's dream 'princess couch'

Fooling around at the dinner table.

With Rachel... what a day. After so long of non-active activities. 

P.S. The next day; all our body ached. Including the kids who went all out to win 'badminton' matches. How to beat the pros at Ng's family? :)