Themed candies all packed. Ready.
Grilled chicken all cooked. Ready.
Toy weapons and mask... Ready.
Screamer cum Baseball Bat killer costume. Ready!
Hannibal Lector costume. Ready!
With next door buddy; skeleton pirate. Ready, Set, GO!! Trick or Treating.
The adults have other things to focus on. Yumms.
Local fruits galore.
Candy table all set-up - 50 packs of candy gone within 30minutes.
Note to self - must have more candies next year!
Tired but happy... look at the results.
Candies, candies and more candies...
Daddy finally dressed up... err, late.
Candy audit.
With most favourite cousin.
"I like the tail"!
Trying to dress up Auntie Yee Mah to become a ghost.
Finally, have time to take some of Abang's candies as well. Hmmph!
Can't wait for next year's Halloween celebration.
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